Social Media Outreach
Let us help you social media shame your non-voting friends and family.
General voting images for social
sample facebook posts
I’m starting an Election Team with @VoteCaptain and looking to add anybody who is interested. I’ll be following up with the team throughout the year offering election, polling, and candidate info. Anybody, whether or not they want to join, should use this week to make sure you’re registered to vote at their current address.
Even if you aren’t on my team, I’m always here to answer any questions about registering or voting!
Our next election will be on [Election Date], so now is a good time to make sure you know which method you plan to vote with, have the appropriate form of ID, and know generally where your polling place will be. You can find out what your voting options are here: [State Election Laws Page].
It’s really important that you show because we’ll be voting for [Seats you’ll be voting on in the above date.]
Just reminding everybody that Election Day is now ONE MONTH AWAY! Make sure you know everything you need to about your state’s voting laws: [State Election Laws Page]. If you wont be in town on Election Day but have been putting off applying for an absentee ballot, get on it ASAP.
Comment below if you have questions about who is running and what they stand for! If I don’t know the answer, I’ll at least help you do the research.
Election Day is only WEEKS AWAY, so it’s time to start thinking about logistics! Remember, to vote in person you will need to know your state’s ID laws, which are available here:
Comment below with what time of day you plan to vote and how you plan to get there.
REMINDER: Election Day is now ONE WEEK AWAY on [Election Date].
Polls will be open in our state from [Polling hours]. If you live elsewhere here’s where to get all the info: [Main state voting resource page]. Don’t forget to bring ID [where necessary]!
If you’re still undecided about your own ballot, even if you don’t plan to vote the same way, give me a call. We can talk it through to make sure your picks reflect your values.
Tomorrow is Election Day. I want to make sure every one of you votes, so If you’re still undecided about your ballot, even if we don’t vote the same way, give me a call. We can talk it through to make sure your picks reflect your values. I’ll can also help you figure out how to get to the polls or answer any questions about what to expect.
TODAY IS ELECTION DAY! If you have any questions, unforeseen issues, or if you just need a little moral support, give me a call or send me a text!
Just in case you need it: Polls will be open in our state from[Paste Polling Hours from our state voting resource page]. Don’t forget to bring ID [where necessary]! And don’t forget to post a selfie on social media with your brand new “I Voted” sticker!